80 million years ago, the Tōtara tree said "byebye, Gondwanaland!" and made Aotearoa its home. With a magical core ingredient, it's been building up the New Zealand landscape ever since, fighting off disease and beating environmental attacks.
In the 90’s, scientists uncovered this special tree’s secret and said hello to the highly potent antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial substance in its heartwood — Bioactive Totarol™. Knowing the potential the ingredient could have across healthcare, our parent company got the rights to commercialise it, and developed a patented method of extracting Bioactive Totarol™ from off-cuts. Saying byebye to the need to harm any living trees, and hello to a world of opportunity.
Fast forward to today, and Bioactive Totarol™ has been sold worldwide for two decades, while a replanting program ensures the growth of future Tōtara forests. Say byebye to bad and hello to a world of Totarol-powered health possibilities!
Say hello to Steph Davies. Loud. Lover of all things Kiwi. Daughter to the owner of Bioactive Totarol™ and mother to the heir of Bioactive Totarol™. Loves saying byebye to a bowl of ramen when hunger strikes.
Say hello to Ryan Davies. Not so loud. Believer that Kiwi’s will be instrumental in shaping the future of planet earth. Husband to a loud wife and father to a loud daughter. First album; ironically ‘Bad’ by Michael Jackson.
In the midst of a pandemic, job loss, and other challenges, Ryan and Steph decided to wave byebye to the path they were on and say hello to paving a new way. Armed with marketing skills, family business secrets, and a love of sustainability, they created a Bioactive Totarol™ based product range - and just like that, byebyebad was born! These awesome products kick bad ingredients and bad packaging to the curb and say hello to ethical and sustainable processes.
They're just getting started, but hey, a few byebyes are a great start!